Re: childhood scares?

I've only read the first couple of replies or so, and well ...
I'm 17 now, and I gradually lost my sight since birth til I was two, where I ended up from where I am now, which is kinda navigational vision but not enough to recognize people and read.
Well as you know, my childhood was kinda fucked up. My dad would sometimes lock me up and leave me in a small room for quite some time. Now I was fine with that, until I read a book at around 6, where they were inside a building producing explosives, a fire went off and they almost died because they couldn't find the right keys for a solid steel gate. Since then, and just til maybe five years ago, I've been terrified of steel doors, in particular, but also being in small spaces or not always having a way out.

My second one is kinda strange, and I still have it today. I'm terrified of touching dead bodies, or plants, or rotten carcuses (the last one should be obvious). This sucks when I have to p repare sallad and I have to sort out the bad parts of it but I just shrug and do it because, well, what else?

My third one has developed recently, but is probably related to my dad. It comes and goes from time to time, but it'd be really paranoia sometimes. The thing I'm talking about is people. Also since my stepfather can freak out sometimes, and we almost went into fist fights, sometimes I prepare and think out possible tactics. It could be from setting an alarm system of some kind into my room so that I'd know if someone opened the door while I was sleeping. Or it could be me planning how I would defend myself of a taxi driver who would probably kidnap me and drive me to his child spam focility. Lol riddiculous, but there you go.


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