Re: childhood scares?

ok time for my rant
until recently, I was scared of snakes, which was the only thing I was scared of.  Now i'm not scared of anything that I know of, with one exception. The nightmare I used to have about awake surgerry.
This nightmare recurred in many forms. But the course of events usually goes like this.
I am in need of some operation or another, usually a stomach operation.  I'm wheeled into the operating room and moved onto the operating table.  And the anesthetic drugs are started. After a while the muscle relaxant drugs are started and i'm hooked up to a ventalator.
after a while the surgeon comes in, and a nurse says, the patient is asleep doctor, you may begin the operation.
after that I try to move or draw atention to the fact that i'm alert. Usually the terror   of this dream wakes me up before the  surgeon can begin the operation
in some varients of this dream however I don' t wake up and I can see the surgeon pick up a surgical knife from a table next to the operating table 
and sometimes the surgeon begins to cut me open which gives me physical pain. This dream was the only dream that I could feel actual physical pain
another thing to note: usually in my nightmares, all my senses are magnified and I can see all events going around me
this is the only thing that scares me
this dream might have been caused by the fact that I had  stomach surgerry many years ago.


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