Looking for motivated, hard working and ambitious Developers.

Attention all developers:

I am attempting to create a team of programmers to toss around ideas for a knew game. I have lots of ideas, but lack in programming skills. My ideal team has to learn to work with each other and not against, be non-judgmental towards ideas tossed around by the group as well as just not being judgemental period. You must be an out of the box thinker and a hard worker as well as reliable. Their are a few goals to keep in mind: 1. to have a project that blind and sighted players can play with and or against each other. 2. Something that in the future will become profitable. and 3, to show the world that we are just as capable. Please approach this idea with some professionalism. Fighting with others, drama, and all these things I see around this sight will not be Tolerated. If any kind of unwanted behavior occurs, you will be band from the team and it's projects on going or otherwise.
A few things to note: you will be interviewed so make sure to have up to 2 projects that you have worked on. These projects have to already be up on the audio games sight for the safety of the interviewers computer. Make sure to have teamtalk installed as It  has been found to be the best piece of accessible conferencing softwhere. All interviews will be conducted using teamtalk unless requested by the interviewie.
Options for your interview are as follows:
and phone.
Please note: depending on your location, an interview by phone may not be an option.

Please send me a private message if this sounds like something you may be interested in partaking in.
I look forward to speaking with some of you soon!

Audiogames-reflector mailing list
  • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : harison91 via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : raven via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : roelvdwal via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : blindndangerous via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : harison91 via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : harison91 via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : harison91 via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector
    • ... AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Zersiax via Audiogames-reflector

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