Re: Eurofly Enhanced Mod

Hmm, I have suggestion.
for aviation fans, instead of criticizing, what about helping us? And don't tweak my words. I said Eurofly was never planned to be a flight simulator. But that doesn't mean it can't be.
You wrote you are aviation fans. Well, as you can see, we don't know much about aircrafts. If you say: "Make it better", that means, we must study, what you already know. When we say: "make your own flight sim", that means you must to study what we already know. So, what about joining our knowledges together to make some sensible result?
I remember someone said some time ago, that Eurofly have a bad speed increasing model. I really don't remember who it was, but if he wrote that Eurofly is using bad speed model, he probably know betterone. So what about writing a concrete mathematical formula, which we can use, and thus save hours of searching on the net?
And similar other physical aspects of game. Noone from here is aviation fan, but I and Stefan are programmers, so if you give us concrete mathematical input, which we can rewrite to Eurofly, then you can improve the game according your imagination, without developing anything.

About support, well, I think someones from here needs to experience development with hundreds of users to process my words correctly.
It isn't meaned as a offence, I am just reflecting that I don't feel my words were understanded.
So in short, we want to help everyone. Stefan is working on Eurofly, because he wants program to be useful for everyone. As I said before, his original target was to develop an atlas, so what other reason do he have to continue development?
It is again not meaned as a rebuke, only statement that players are really first point of our interest.
But there are lots of players, and lots of them have problems. Every problem of course interests us, but various problems have various solving abilities.
So, if someone writes us: "I crashed." Of course we can answer "Hi, what have you did before crash? What is the content of blackbox.txt?" etc. But shouldn't be this infos automatic? of course it takes 5 minutes to answer. But when there are 100 issues like this? And 90% are not real issues, only users without knowledge about playing game?
Then 0.9*(5*100)=450 minutes of time are completely wasted and what other, more useful reports are slowed by them.
That of course doesn't mean these players don't interest us. But as a consequence bug fixing is slowing down, and we are accused for it.
Of course, we can create places to report bug fixes and feature suggestions. I will suggest it to main developer.
I am only saying that most problems can be solved already now by better realization from user's side. Because yeah, problems like game crashes are interesting us also when they haven't any behaviour symptoms, but 90% of problems are not like it, but problems which can be solwed by two emails, one from user, one from us. But they takes 6 or more, because users write only "I crashed."
I am not writing, that you are writing thislike reports. I am only reacting to your statements, that game is buggy, and that bugs are getting fixed slow, although I think main developer does perfect job, taking in fact, he is alone.

@Bleeblat: I will return shortly to you. I have talked with main developer about you, I saw conversations of Kissoft, also your mails. And all there from you was few messages of length 1 max. 2 sentenses, without greeting or signature, all about fixing documentation.
So, I don't know what feedback have you sent, but the reason why you get no answer is simply because we haven't received anything like that from you.

That's all for now. Please be patient with us, we have a lots of work, what doesn't mean we don't want to do it, but exactly your persistence in that amount of requests can be helpful. And remember, only place where you are sure we will register you is kissoft's contact email address, or my own at:

Yeah, and one other think, when you don't receive answer to something, please send your request one more time after some time, also when you'll have feeling that your issue isn't getting solved and we haven't provided negative answer. We are humans only, so it is possible we have forget something.

Best regards and happy new year


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