Re: DARK studios scenes, first pack of installed minimovies

lol, it's supposed to make you laugh, and what exactly do you disagree with, asuming you actually fully understand what I said, I can guess one already, SLJ praised his sound design, yes, but it doesn't matter, 1 positive among several negatives makes up for nothing.
I don't like SLJ any less for it that's for sure, his opinions are usually invaluable, I also don't care who this terminator guy is or what he supposedly does that you people don't like, because this project has nothing to do with those things, so for me, banns from swamp, assuming you can even prove he got him self banned, opposed to just being connected to an account that got banned, doesn't matter much to me, I don't even know this guy but that doesn't change what I've seen so far on the thread, nor my response to it.

My biggest issue with all of this is that your shooting him down, the sound design was good, well, he's 12, as you said your self, in an under meaning way, yes, but it doesn't change it, unless of course who ever said that was just telling a lie to get attention, you never know any more, but if he is in fact 12 years old, than this is pretty amazing for 12, and I say continue on with it, you didn't have to download it, you people should probably only be bitching if it's a team of developers with experience who promised something that you did not get.

I don't care if it sucks, being the 15th person to repeated it 3 times in different ways doesn't make you special.

And just to make this clear, I'm not just talking to you Andy 93, I'm talking to everyone, but hey, if you wana point out what parts of what I said in the last post you have a problem with, I'm all game and I'll make sure to actually listen to you and be fare too.

I'm not trying to start or end a flame war here, I'm simply trying to give you all perspective that you should already ha ve.


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