Re: my dream, your nightmare

dardar, I havent read all posts but the first page of the topic,so I do apologise if I repeat the things that have already been said.

I have played cosmic rage on and off,ever sinse it came out. and where it stands today is miles and miles ahead of where it started,and most of that has been good.

I recently got back into it again,and have gotten to 700 800 in just a few days.

Here are my observations (mostly things that need improvement):
1. the spam. this can get to be a bit too much sometimes, specially in when you launch drones,recall them,when rats come in,when gard drones repair,the alarm or siren in the ship specially during star study. These are just a few examples there maybe more that I dont know of,or am forgetting. What could be done for these could be to convey the same information but streamline it. examples for combat drone launchs, the heavy drones are launched,the selected number of anty rat nest drones are launched. please dont incorporate this text exactly wink this is just a rough sample. and the siren during star study,make it fire a few times as you do now for the first few seconds,and then when the ship is stable or not getting pulled,disable it.
2. help files. most help files are good and well written,but they could be improved. you and the other hosts do take reports regarding this and are quick in fixing issues so thats good,however new players will read those help files, and those need to have a bit more detail of what wherre and how to use command do activity, oh and yes, very important, this had me stuck, if a player cant use any equipment, or is lacking skill to use an equipmenyt, or iff some module equipment is missing to do a activity,please inform the player of it.
In such situations it is better to have more information,than just saying you either lack the skill or the equipment to do that. inform the player what exactly needs to be done. as a further aside to this, dont let players upgrade ships to such a level that they can not use it after upgrading. happens currently with quite a few ships that come with extra debris lines for the level for which they are ment for,or you can add extra debris lines and make the salvage equipment unusable.
3. new activity vs polishing the old ones. I see new things being added daly that improves on activity recently,carry that onwards a great exammple of such is the newer and smarter ratikas. new activities are good,and players that have achieved higher ranks need to do something, I get that. but perhaps focus on improving the ones that already exist first,make them a bit more difficult or add random elements that needs a player to be alert or to do a few different things.
I have seen a few posts saying that most of the activities are similar to each other and many require you to do nothing but sit and type same command in again and again,or repair. a few activities like these can be good,but there needs to be a mix of activities that players can do depending on the kind of thing time or energy level they have at that particular time.
some activities like these that are good are star studies, I am doing it as I type this big_smile even though its one of those activities where you type in 1  2 3 commands and sit and let it do its thing, its not that boring as it keeps you on your toes checking heat status, keeping shields at a good level,and keeping an eye on your coordinates just in case the star hasnt increased its pull and has pulled you closer to its mesmerising depths...
Activity similar to the sitting and typing 1 command that gets boring is nebula harvesting after a while. what could make it interesting could be perhaps enemy ships scouts at first coming in, if they cant defeat you calling in reinforcements. as it is,now there are enemy ships in the nebula fields,but they dont do anything at all. to expand on this, perhaps they could have a cargo ship harvesting gas,same as us, and their escorts,due to it being a nebula make visibility of ships and firing weapons intermitent,reduced damage,misses, being able to see ships for a few then cant and so on.

All in all,love what you are doing with this game, I specially love the edition to salvage, that is ratikas and the way they come in pods from debris in space,attach to your ship and board you build nests and things. this makes salvaging far more interesting and fun and realistic not to mention unique from all the other space games.
Give information to players what they need to know,polish these activities a bit more that is add stuff that can make them more fun/interesting to do, add scalable activities and I think cosmic will reach hights no other space moo has sofar.
Right now it does quite a few things that make it far interesting,and also quite a few that can be frustrating,but for all that there is potential for it to be great.
And lastly, Thank you for working on this game for us the players. smile

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