Re: Training Centers

For right now, all I really need out of a blindness center is cane travel/mobility, and lots of it.  I seriously would be content waking up and spending all day, every day, for a few months, just working on mobility cane travel, since my skills are seriously that bad.  A combination of bad instructors for a few years, followed by no instruction for a few years, followed by more bad instruction leaves me in a pretty bad place.  I have no idea how, for instance, public transportation works around here, or anywhere, for that matter.  Don't ask me how to cross a street safely, because I don't know.  As you can tell, serious issues, and I have no idea what to do about it.

I figured a center could also help me with other blindness skills, too, like general stuff to do around your house, cooking, etc.  Since I already know braille inside and out, I figured I could learn print – that might prove useful.  But I have no idea what center to go to, I'd prefer something for as long as possible, like the 9-month NFB ones...But as you say, there's no real information.  And nobody around here even listens to what I have to say.  Interrupt college for some blindness bullshit?  No way!  Even though this "blindness bullshit" as they call it is really damn important and useful.


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