Re: Choice of country for life

I mean, there's sitting down and weighing the pros and cons of a decision to try to make an informed, and rational one, and there's what you're doing, which is obsessing about the smallest details which isn't helping you, or anyone else. You're taking things to a level that's not quite healthy, for one thing, you act as if you can't earn money in America, which is not true, also, how do you know the same challenges won't be faced in both countries. I totally get that what you're trying to do is a big move, and to be honest, I probably wouldn't have the balls to do something similar if I were you, so the fact that you're willing to do this, well its a good thing I think, and I applaud your courage, but the fact is, you are going to have to stop with the data analysis and just get on with it if you're going to do this thing.

Also, in previous posts, I wasn't just talking about this topic, but the way you act on here in general, its annoying to say the least. Also, no one seems to be able to drive the point home to you that everybody is different. If you come to either America or England with this everyone is the same mentality, you're not going to be well accepted, I can assure you. You're essentially being racist, but not about race, but about culture, you're propagating stereotypes. I mean, OK, let's just say me and my neighbors, this house is a duplex, its attached to another one, right next door to me, my neighbors are Puerto Rican. They speak a mix of english and spanish in the home, English outside, although he doesn't have as good a grasp of it as she does, and he's generally quiet while she's the talker. But my point is, we're very different, but we're living in the same set of houses. But, we get along. Now I don't know what to say to get you to friggin' stop this crap about putting everyone into one bucket, but I can guarantee you it won't go over well if you come here, so you better get to grips with it before you leave. All Americans are open is like saying all black people can run fast or jump high, or are good basketball players. It's a stereotype, but even stereotypes that seem good have negative connotations. This world is not one size fits all. People are different, their cultures are different, their beliefs are different, so when you propagate stereotypes, you're disrespecting the 99% of people who don't fall into that stereotype. You're also doing the same damn thing that some sighted people do to people with disabilities. Talking to them as if they can't hear, such as speaking slowly and loudly. Treating them as if they have no intelligence, using simple terms. Talking in a high voice as if speaking to a child. All these things have been experienced by the disabled community, and if you can't stop generalizing people, you're doing the exact same thing, just a slightly different scenario. You talk about wanting to move to a place where there is no discrimination of the visually impaired, well, such a place doesn't exist, yeah, I'll grant you that it is lower here, and probably so in the U.K. and in Canada, but it is not non-existent. I'd say what you're really going to have to learn how to do is respect other people's culture rather than trying to force them into some mold you perceive as being the correct one for them. Maybe there is no diversity of culture where you are, but believe me, there is here, and in much of the western world. You're going to have to prepare to meet people from all walks of life, from many races, many cultures, with diverse beliefs. If you still don't get it after this, I don't know what to tell you, I would advise reading this a few times over, and just stop trying to fit people into your expectations of how they should be.

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