Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

hi amin abdullah.
i not need to put a recording device on her stomach. i can put my ear, in other words my head on her stomach. first: i will heare her stomach sounds, and secondly i feel that i clows to her. one time she hugged me in my dream.
how we can create a robotic reviva? i want not only that i'll here the robotic reviva, but also can touch her, smell her smell which she having and etc. on the history lesens i turning my head to reviva's derection and smelling her smell. it's good!
and about shrinking my self: it is not poseble, wright? it is only a fantacy. but if i'll grow up and then will be my self when i come out from her bag, she will know me. i have a big difrent betwen others. i have few hare, i don't have eyes (nobody can see them) and etc. by hare, i meanthat in more places on my head, i don't have hare. but at some places i have.
i'm imagining that i'll grow up inside her bag in her home, she will see m e and tell in hebrew: "jacob, ze atah?" it's mean: "jacob, it's you?"
i'll reply to her: "yes, it's me. guten Morgen, schweine. hahahahahahahahaha!"
guten Morgen, schweine means: good morning, pigs.
it's in german.


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