Re: Star traders rpg for IOS accessibility update

Hello! I purchased this game this morning, and I gotta say it's deffinatly worth the 3 USD I paid. I love it. The controls are a little tricky at first, so I'll attempt to explain it here, and if people still need help after they read I don't mind doing a review on it and a let's play or something.
So, the first screen you are presented with is the menu screen, this is where you will select your new game saved games options and various developer/help info.
To get started just click on the  new game button.
optionally you ccan go in and choose to turn off the music. It's a nice selection, however it's a bit of a pain when you're trying to read some of the dialogue. I have mine turned off.
Next you'll be presented with the create new pilot screen, you will type in your pilot's name here, and then scroll through and adjust the sliders according to what you want to play, for starting I would recommend setting the di fficulty slider to 100, this will allow you to play the game, however unlocks are not available, that is you won't unlock anything new by playing in this difficulty level. next is your profession. the first one in the list is a star trader, and is probably the best for starting out with.
The next slider is your faction, I honestly don't know what the difference is between all of the factions, I guess you'll learn those differences with game play, the last slider is your ship slider. I'm not sure how to get info on the different ships, I'm sure there's a help documentation on it, but for right now you can just leave it at the first one. now just click on create new game, and whammo start playing.
you'll be presented with a backstory and what not yu just go ahead and read all of that and next next next blah blah blah.
Now, at the top of your screen it will give you coordanents, a date, fuel, and, I'm assuming the last number is t he amount of experience untill your next level, but I could be wrong.
right below this information depending on the difficulty level you choose at first wil be something that says button button, if this doesn't show up for you, it probably means you selected 100 percent. if you selected the challenging, default selection), this button when pressed will say something like you need water fuel and supplies blah blah blah, and then you click next and it tells you your first assignment. basicly if you see this button button below the coordanents and date it's a good idea to check out what it says. It's kind of like your status report.
Next will be street hud normal, or if you read it char by char it's st hud normal. this button will take you back to the main menu, not sure why it is called that, but anyway. the next button is
menu button, this button when pressed will switch your interface around and is required when you're wanting to select a dest ination that does not relate to a job. next button is the bridge button, this will take you to the bridge and show you the status report also allow you to patrol, spy, and all that good stuff, you won't be doing any of that at first though, anyway.
the next three buttons that you will see are st urbin, st wilds, st play. the first two at first will be dimmed so you can't select those. From here on out, I'll just be calling them urbin, wilds, and play.
the play button is what you will do to perform actions, this is a turn by turn game, so your actions are not actually sent untill you press this button.
So, the first thing you will do on this page is press the play button. This will send you to your faction's star dock and allow you to go to palace. Remember that st urbin button and wilds button that were dimmed a little while ago? You can go ahead and click on those now as the ship has traveled to the star dock, you'll want to go to urbin firs t though.
Then once you scrolldown you'll notice a description of the location and it'll give you various ratings at the end, those aren't really important right now and are best ignored untill you find out what they mean for you in the game.
Now as you scroll down you'll notice that palace has a star by it, that means that it is a special interaction that you need to do, so go ahead and click on that button.
at the bottom of the page it will say attempt job  or not now, you'll want to click on attempt job, and then complete job, and blam all done.
You'll get your payment and you'll be able to continue. Now that you've got yourself a bit of cash you'll want to go refuel your ship and purchase food stuffs for your crew so they don't smack you around. you can do this by going back to the urbin menu and going down to exchange. in this menu you'll be presented with several different resources that you may or may not need. luckily for us water fuel and lux foods are the top two items, so you'll go into the water fuel menu and go down to where it has the slider, you'll want to get that slider all the way to 100, you may have to double tap and hold then slide it to the  right to get it to 100 or you may be able to just flick up and down. either one works.  after you've done that, you'll want to go to complete transaction. However, if you're not sure how much this is all going to cost you, you can go up before pressing that button and check how much cash you have on hand and how much it's going to run you. after you click complete transaction, just go ahead and go back to the exchange, then go do lux foods and repeat the process. these two resources you will want to keep at max at all times as they're vital for the game.
After you're done restocking on food and fuel, go back to the urbin menu, and go down to the spice market, this is where you'll be able to find work and jobs. yu can go down to contracts and select those untill you gain a good idea on how to play, after you've accepted a contract, you can go back to the front screen and select the play button, this will automaticly transport you to the new location that is your drop off location for your contract, then just go to the urbin menu and select the one that has the star next to it, then attempt job, and blam, all done, you'll want to repeat your restock on fuel and food before attempting another job. This should be enough to get you on your  feet and allow you to explore other relms of playing. I hope this helps people.
Let me know if people would like an audio review or something and I'll see what I can do!


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