Re: Trimps

@Green satellite, would it please be possible to have a slightly more dynamic status on the job buttons to show when you couldn't afford them, vs didn't have the workers? That would make it easier to decide whether it was better to move one of your miners/farmers/lumberjacks to trainer or explorer, rather than try and  some accommodation, and one issue I keep running into is  spending too much on building the accommodation and then not having enough left to recruit for a while. Indeed, I've got into  habit of leaving one work space open just so that I can more quickly know when I can recruit another trainer.

@keithwipf1  the game is awesome. Its an odd one for me, since I've never been a fan of fire and forget combat  where you have no control over what happens, and while I've enjoyed a few incremental games in the past, once I've seen all the upgrades and flavour text I tend to lose interest, which is why I haven't played games like sworm game or space company beyond the first ascension, or shark game beyond the first few ascenssions when I'd seen most everything  there was to see.

Then again I freely admit, ever since I first played castaways, the strategy building genre has always appealed to me (at least when it isn't a pvp hack), I love to see my people survive and  grow and build from humble beginnings to a mighty empire. I also love games that require the player to continually strategise on the fly and react to what is happening or change their play style to accomplish a given goal, especially when that  leads to more exploration.

this is why i think I've found trimps so very addictive, and why I'd highly recommend the game, that and the awesome job Green Satellite is doing with the game's accessibility.

Things were getting tough around zone 37 and I could see myself running into a situation where I would be getting new upgrades before I'd been able to afford the previous ones. I also didn't realise that respecking your perks only applied to the amount of helium you started the run with.
I suppose this is good in progression terms, since it'd be a bit disappointing to get say to zone 32, cash in 300 or so helium, then need to portal at zone 35 with only another 90 helium to play with before starting the next run, but it mean that when the going gets tough you really are best cashing in your chips and restarting.

Anyway, I've now gone through yet another portal, and am attempting the size challenge. This is an interesting one, but my perks are really making a difference, indeed had I not had to put the game down to spend an evening with my lady I probably would've  another speed achievement for the block and maybe for the wall, but hay, there will always be another turn. I hope I get further this time around, I  heard some hints about later progressions and I'm really looking forward to seeing them.

One thing I do wish the game had, was an auto storage buying system, since its not always %100 faesable to be playing all the time, and one can't always buy enough storage to keep up with time you might be spending off the game, so it'd be nice if there was an automatic mechanism to buy extra storage when your current storage got full, just so that you don't lose out on too much progress when you need to take time away from the game.

of course, idling in Trimps can only carry you so far and the best stratogy is always to play actively, and I like the fact that Trimps is an incremental game  which requires you to play very actively , but obviously there is the rest of life as well big_smile.

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