Re: What is wrong with the NFB?

I myself like what the NFB does, however, I do not agree with everything.  Lets be real here, what organization doesn't have its problems.  Their will be always people who will get pissed off because of this or that.  Now, back to your question.  The truth is that the NFB is a civil right movement.  They fight for the rights of blind people and without them, blind people wouldn't be where they are today.  We would  be forced to live in group homes, even though we are capable of living on our own, we wouldn't be allowed in the workplace, go to college and or be allowed in the public school systems.  We would all have to go to the schools for the blind and deff.  We also wouldn't have the accessibility in technology that we have today.  The NFB also fight for the rights of blind parents.  If it wasn't for them, we who have children would live in fear of them getting removed from our  care.  The NFB also encourages blind individuals to be independent.  Some members get a bit carried away with it, and so are viewed as fanatical.  However, an organization is made up of many, many, many people, and it is unfair to judge a group based on the actions of a few.  The biggest issue is the disagreements between the NFB and the ACB.  They were once 1 group, and then an internal fight began over philosophy and the ACB was formed as the opposition group.  Generations later, people from both groups are unfairly pitting new members and potential members against the other group.  Both sides do it and it is wrong.  People should look at what each group has to offer, their philosophy, and at the things that each group has done as a whole, and decide for themselves what their opinion is.  I myself have nothing against the ACB, and have friends and family who are in it.  Myself don't know much about the ACB, but. I prefer the philosophy, and the proactive nature of the NFB.  I appreciate you asking the question instead assuming the worst without the facts.  This is just my thoughts  and I hope it helps you in some way.

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