Re: What is wrong with the NFB?
"Militant" has been the favorite description for decades. It occurs to me that I don't really know what that means. I'm not sure I've ever heard it applied to anyone else. Maybe I've heard the phrase "militant feminism" at some point, but not often (the more popular word there is "radical").
Although, the "Glory Glory Federation" song, to the tune of "Battle Hymn of the Republic" might get the idea across. I was too busy being bothered by them swapping "Haleluja" for "Federation" to notice that it's a literal military song.
Mostly, though, I think Munawar has the gist of it. Think about holier-than-thou evangelicals, or woker-than-thou SJWs, and that's probably a good comparison for why they bug people so much. Maybe some of it is people attached to pessimism being offended by their optimism, where blindness is concerned, but I expect most of it is a selection effect, where the independenter-than-thou Federationists are the most noticeable. Christianity has done loads upon loads of work for the poor, spread the idea of forgiveness and love thy enemy, etc. The Social Justice movement has done loads for women and minorities. The NFB has done stuff for blind people. But all three are generally discussed in the context of their most obnoxious and/or controversial representatives, because the mere fact of being obnoxious and/or controversial gets more attention. [insert CPG Grey video here]
This is not to downplay the problems that the bad apples create. It is not even to claim something about the proportion of good vs bad apples in each camp. It is only to say that the bad apples make stronger impressions, and so taint the others in the minds of those so impressed.
Speaking of apples, I'ma go see if there are any good ones left on my tree.
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