Re: girls and adolt women

On relationships I agree. You want to find more than physical things or a voice to base it on. Tose things can certainly be nice but they should ardly be the only things you look for. I for one am attracted to taller girls and/or those with long hair, and I've certainly come across women's voices that I found sexy. A girl with an English, Irish, New Zealand or Australian accent can sound pretty hot for instance, or a girl with a bit of a US southern drawl, not so strong as to be annoying but enough so you definitely know it.
  As for religion if a girl doesn't share your views definitely don't try to force the issue. Respect is a very important part of any relationship. If she seems genuinely interested inlearning about your religion that's one thing, but never, ever try to force her. My very first girlfriend was really bad about that. She was and fifteen years later still is a devout and, to put it bluntly rather naive as well, Christian wo told me I was going to hell for every little thing I did. But I like others on here could never swallow the whole notion. I won't go so far as to call myself an atheist since I believe some form of inteligence could have had a hand in the creation of the universe. I just don't believe in the god of the Bible, whom to be perfectly frank I have always found to be every bit as petty, jealous and vindictive as the Greek gods were and often even more so. The difference of corse is that the Greeks didn't try to hide the true nature of their gods as many Christians do. In fact I've observed that many of them haven't even really studied the entirety of the Bible to see te not so nice parts that promote hatred, biggotry, slavery and cruelty to women. As to my own views the closest thing to the god hypothesis that I've ever been able to stomach or accept is the notion of the watchmaker, a being who yes, created the universe and then set in motion and as necessary fin e tuned all the laws that govern it, then stepped back to let things unfold however they might. But that fundamental difference in views was the tin that killed my relationship with my first girlfriend, simply because I cannot and will not pledge mself to a being who has supposedly given us free will to make our own destinies but will then after my death throw me into a lake of fire for exercising that supposedly free will in life, even if I'd done no actual evil.


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