Re: Moving out

As regards colour identifyers, my lady has a dedicated device which is more accurate than phone programs, albeit also more expensive too. Myself, I've always had enough vision to separate whites from coloureds so never had the problem.

My electric steamer is a wonderful thing. It has a  base where you pour the water, and dishes which slot on the top, we mostly use it for vedgitables but it will also do fish and other things too.
There are only two rather silly hings, firstly, you need to fill the bottom with boiling water which takes finger measuring, and secondly, the dishes have an annoying habbit of falling to bits and we need to buy some more, then again its been used a hell of a lot.

As regards getting things out of boiling water, it depends upon what your doing.

When I used to make Pasta on the hob, I simply emptied the hole pan into a colander which worked pretty well.
For teabags and such I can use a tea spoon.

With eggs, the electric egg boiler helps, though failing that a large spoon and care is good.

The one thing that can be a pain is when I've slow cooked a joint of meat in the slow cooker, since you need to cover it with water, and I've had some hilarious points trying to extract that from the pot, including one rather funny occasion when i was chasing a glased ham around the surface which looked very slap stick big_smile.

In those sorts of cases its just a matter of finding good sturdy utensels, being careful, not panicking and being able to laugh things off when they go wrong big_smile.

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