Re: Rundercover - an audio game that gets you in shape!

Hi Dkkg, great your considdering something for in doors.

I'd love to  say my little trampoline was for some incredibly  inovative game of some sort, but in truth it wasn't, indeed I'm particularly interested in an in door physically active accessible game because thus far there aren't any. It was  initially a simple expedient sinse I am not a particularly small fellow, and when I moved into an upstairs flat I wanted to continue running on the spot as I had when living downstairs, but didn't want to give my neighbor below me a headache. I have however found  that possibly due to the fact that I'm taking higher steps and raising my knees more, that running on the trampoline is harder than  running normally, which is good sinse I prefer very intensive exercise over a short period than minimal  exercise over a  long one.

I can't really jump on the trampoline  sinse it is only about  two foot&n bsp;  from edge to edge, and besides I'd risk giving myself a concussion on the cieling, however for running it's great.

It's a vfairly standard model I just picked up at a general  supermarket here in the Uk, indeed rebock, the same company that makes the sports shoes), make them..

A game with it would be quite a fascinating idea though. I could actually imagine a game in which players had to really alter the vertical position of the phone as well as    horizontally, effectively creating an exercise similar to  aerobics, sinse of course with a soft surfice it wouldn't matter if players had to go down to their knees rapidly (where as that would be a bad idea if running out doors), ditto with  jumping or waving the phone above your head.

Actually, i could imagine a really awsome starwars light sabre duel worked out on that sort of basis big_smile.

Of course the two risks would be A, a risk of tangling your headphone wires if you were waving your phone about, and B, a risk of letting your phone go by mistake or accidently stamping on it, ---- though fortunately I have the surviver case for my Iphone which helps big_smile.

Still, as crash mats, trampolines or even at a pinch a duvet on the ground would be a workable soft  surfice I  could imagine a fun and very energetic type of game on that sort of basis.

heck, you could even perhaps have your regular running but instead of judging player position by a gps give them a need to kneel down every few seconds to update their distance.

Then again I don't know as much about the Iphone gyro's  and what is or is not possible however I am as I said very  pleased your considdering this.


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