Re: Question about vgstorm games.

I have used NVDA from the first with AHC, and apart from a few bugs (which were ironed out beautifully, I might add) I've had a lovely experience. Can't complain. I hugely prefer hearing game text spoken by Eloquence at this point. If a game can't do that, utterly can't, then whatever, but Manamon could, and Aaron proved that it did; most games of that sort can definitely do this.
I also took KitchensInc games, which are free and honestly kind of buggy, as half an hour here and there of time-wasting. Nothing against the man, that's just how I saw it, and still do. But the sheer scope of VG Storm vs. KitchensInc is utterly different, and to try and invoke one while discussing the other shows that you either don't understand the issue or are feeling backed into a corner.
Same goes for Spoonbill. Spoonbill games, as well as KitchensInc games, aren't asking us to shell out forty bucks, or even twenty, are they? When you ask a person to spend money on your product, you need to be aware of their experience in an arguably greater way than if you're offering a product casually or for free. If AHC had resisted any screenreader support at all, I'd have been just as annoyed, let me tell you.

So yeah, none of your examples hold any water, at least for me. Your AHC example is straight-up wrong, your KitchensInc thing is apples and oranges, and your Spoonbill reference is about the same.

There is a good reason why the fair majority of PC games allow at least some version of screenreader support. No, it isn't perfect, and yes, if you're screwing around with Jaws there's a keyhook issue. You can't please everyone. But I'd argue that the fair majority of blind users utilize a screenreader that isn't SAPI-based, so catering to the common denominator just seems like sound business sense if the cost isn't too high. The literally dozens of other games that include screenreader support with few bugs, or none at all, demonstrate that not only can this be done, but it -should be done. And that's pretty much the end of it as far as I'm concerned.

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