Re: Question about vgstorm games.

Nah, still not buying.
It was bad enough for me that while I was playing with SAPI, early on, I was considering quitting until screenreader support was enabled. I am used to hitting enter to skip cutscenes or whatever, and when I know the game inside out, being able to hammer enter to speed through stuff is actually really freaking handy. I get what you're saying about Mathmon, you have a point there. I'm not saying screenreader support is perfect because it's clearly not. But it does appeal to a large subset of players and, IMHO, should have been available in the form it is now upon launch. Aaron's preferences don't factor into this; Aaron is not one of his own customers.

Also, to clarify a previous post I made in reference to ElizaBaez, because apparently someone thought it was a neat idea to make a report calling this response into question:
If you want to criticize a developer's actions, go for it. They do stuff, they are accountable. Good on you. I do it all the time. I'm hard on a few in particular.
Try and avoid making massive judgments about that character, particularly where they are not proven. Example: maybe we don't call someone greedy without proof.
I have been very critical of some of Aaron's design choices, pretty much since Paladin of the Sky. One of the things I harp on is that Aaron is stubborn, but he's proven this by how he interacts with suggestions. This isn't conjecture; it's fact. I don't then say that Aaron is immature, or that his upbringing made him stubborn. I don't talk about where he's from as a possible influence on his stances, because frankly that's just flailing, and it's not fair and not very kind.
I try and stop well short of actual character assassination though, claiming, for instance, that Aaron is greedy by charging forty bucks for a game or whatever. If that's a high price, I might say so. If I think it's too high, I also might say so. If I feel Aaron needs to consider his pricing model more thoroughly in future? Same deal. But calling someone greedy because their prices are high is a leap. Calling someone stubborn because they have baldly stated that they refuse to change things is a direct logical connection. If you want to slam a dev, be reasonable, and be fair.
A clarification on character assassination: if you hammer someone for doing exactly what they did, you're telling the facts; of course, it's possible to head into overkill territory, and that is its own set of problems. It's only really character assassination if you're trying to throw shade on someone for reasons that are either wildly exaggerated or made up entirely. Calling Aaron greedy, to my eyes, is exaggerated. Calling him stubborn is not.

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