Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.


Well, indeed it is sad.
My first experience with a computer was a Windows XP computer that I used to play the alphas of Entombed.
So yeah, I think XP will always be special to me since it was the first and probably only Windows operating system I will use until Microcrap gets their act together and builds something like VOiceOver, which I guess they have started in Windows 8.
I think it's kind of late, but anyway if the trend continues, then we may have another system that just works and talks out of the box like the mac.
I hope it happens, and screw the AT companies if it does.
Sure, they provided access to computers for years, but the access came with a really high price tag that we really shouldn't have to pay for.
We have as much of a right to use the same technology as anyone else.
But yeah, XP was and is still great.
XP shall live on, at least as long as I'm alive or until it becomes completely useless in terms of compatibility or other things.
So yeah, I'm not upgrading just because all mighty Microsoft says so. They haven't cared about the blind until recently, so I'll only consider upgrading if that attitude really changes, which may not be for a while.
So sorry Microcrap, but until you do what Apple and Google have done, I'm not spending money on your crappy OS.


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