Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

I did get to play with windows 98, but I'm far too young to remember that.
I do believe it had a few programs which were:
Talking typing teacher
Jaws for windows
Word, full version
That being said, I am far too young to remember that.
OH and, back in my childhood, we got to type on mechanical keyboards. Our lab at our school had this strange thing where, every, Wednesday? We would enter the computer labs. There, you would learn to type on a keyboard.
The weird thing is the way they handled it.
Oh, come on. I know some of you thought in your early days of school, at the end of the year talking typing teacher would print out this huge book report your parents guardians could look at. I sure did. Hahahah!
Luckily though, it didn't happen.
I got my first xp box in 2003, roughly.
It was a gateway machine. Didn't know anything about computers then, so I don't remember specs.
But it had jaws 4.5 and a few oth er programs. Oh and it also had a floppy drive.
Then I got my second and current, xp machine, in 2007, Nov. 15? Something like that.
Literally the day of! a hurricane here in Florida.
Then after the primary hard drive died in 2009, I had to start looking at new machines, since I didn't really know how to fix it, and no one would reformat a new hard drive and put xp on it.
So that was when I got my third xp machine, however this was a craptiva U8?
Had crappy specs, but I tell you what. It had the best sound card I'd seen in a laptop thus far.
Not too long after I bought the laptop, I then started to miss my desktop. So I went online and researched on ways to fix the desktop.
I started learning information fast, and roughly a week after my research was complete, I went down to a best buy shop, bought a brand new hard drive, slapped it in, installed xp on it, and was good to go all in one day
As the world around me upgraded to bigger an d better, I then realized just what that meant to me.
Second hard drive failed some 3 months later, so this time, I had a decision to make. Keep upgrading this machine with a hard drive every 3 4 months, or buy a new machine.
I sold my xp laptop, and used some of the money to buy a brand new, Asus k52 versatile entertainment laptop.
I still miss that thing, even to this day. It had 4 gb of ram with a 7200 RPM hard drive 320 gb storage windows 7 home premium 64 bit.
I used that for a while, mean while the desktop sat in storage for a rather long time.
As a senior project I decided to reupgrade the machine, new ram, new hard drive, pretty much everything that could be replaced would get replaced.
I spent close to $700 on pure upgrades for that thing.
It wasn't too much longer the laptop hard drive finally died. So I got a windows 8 HP g7 laptop, for a little less than $414.19.
Lets just say, the thing was nothing short of horrible. Startups took ages. Laptop stayed hot all the time. NVDA absolutely hated it as well.
So I then returned it, and bought a dell n5040? Laptop. I used that for about 1 and a half years, before I finally decided, out of pure experience with the thing, to upgrade to something bigger and better.
Now I use a lenovo think pad t430 with 16 GB of ram 128 GB SSD custom built with fingerprint reader. Lets just say, this thing is beast.
Well, I didn't intend for my post to be this long, hahah!
That is pretty much my journey through the computer world.


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