Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

@Defender, the only problem with your rank system is that it will fragment an already limited player base into smaller groups. The current crop of newbies are worried that being excluded from trading makes it more difficult for them to level. If they were excluded from many missions as well, it would be even harder for them. If you can survive a mission giving you even a couple of thousand XP, that's a big deal at level 4. If you're not allowed to do so, you have to grind low level missions and feel like it's taking even more time to get anywhere. It won't help when someone with maxed Speed and good armour rampages across their map riling up the swarms with noisy weapons and stealing all the loot.

On the subject of gaining titles, I really like the "cycling" idea. I wonder though whether making the cycles different for HC and Normal characters. How about if you need to get to level 150 as a Normal to become HC but only level 75 as HC to change b ack? This is still quite an achievement for many players but takes into account the difficulty of making headway in HC mode. This still means you effectively need 225 levels (even though lots of those may have small XP requirements to gain) for each rank. Even Chowie would probably only be on rank 5 or 6 by now, given how much slower levelling is in HC mode.


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