Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Sneak, It would be nice if that was the way cycling worked, but the door at the factory says it takes 150 levels to cycle either way.  My level 83 HC char Grinder went to the door yesterday and was told he needs to be level 150 to pass the door.  But I think your numbers are reasonable, though I would set them just a bit lower, perhaps 130 to cycle from normal to HC, and 50 or 60 to cycle from HC to normal.  And to get more folks running HC chars, we need to look at raising the amount of loot from 20 percent normal to 40 percent.  This would also solve the food problem noted by Chow and others.  I completely reject the idea of introducing more PVP into the HC arena.  If anything we need more forts and les PVP.  If the goal is to attract more HC players, we need to make it just a little easier, not scarier and harder. 

Grinder /  Wolfgang

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