Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I don't think trading should be limited in quite that way. If I'm a level 9 and a friend is level 7, and I want to give him a Glock 17, I shouldn't since he can't get to map2. However, if I want to give him some ammo to help him out in a mission or because he just died, I should be able to. In other words, limit the trade of items by the level requirements of the maps on which items are found, but don't limit *all* trading to certain groups. I think that would just break the community into smaller pieces, and cause people to level less often. After all, once you hit, say, level 40, you suddenly can't trade with anyone below that, which is a lot of people. Trading is currently limited to level 80, so imagine if levels 80-89 could trade with each other and no one else; levels 90-109 with each other, and no one else; and so forth. Now, instead of shooting for level 80 so they can trade, people will have to shoot for, then be careful to stay in, whichever group most of their friends belong to, and any friends outside of that arbitrary group suddenly can't trade with them anymore. I don't see this as being positive.

Defender, I didn't quite follow how ranking would work for missions, could you explain that bit again? Overall, I have no problem with the level system to explain the map limitations on players, but I can see how a simple ranking system would make it easier. As you said, though, requirements would have to be changed around a bit.

Titles make sense the way they are, it's just that HC mode isn't something I am willing to put up with just to get a title (see below). If HC mode were modified, or titles were attainable in normal mode (again, perhaps with a very high level or kill streak), I'd do it.

Chowie, I think Defender is saying that the minimum for switching to HC should be lowered to 80 again. That level would not require you to switch, just give you the option. Also, I ag ree with you about HC mode; few players are present, making missions difficult, and food being constantly necessary is annoying, especially if you die. You spend much of your time finding food and praying you find a decent weapon. Yes, normal players spend a lot of time looting as well, but the difference is that they choose to, they don't have to just to keep playing. They can also mission much more readily, since they can get larger teams together. Plus, larger teams are less important to them, since they usually have better armor and weapons. I'm not trying to turn HC mode into normal mode, but I just think the system should be harder in more challenging, less tedious ways.


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