Re: Bulwark in the City of Flesh

First, I don't mind using the mouse for games, I use it all the time. The only time I care if a game is mouse only is  when you  can't find any way to find the options, or if there is nothing preventing you from going off screen. I'd also like to point out that plenty of mainstream games have the ability to use the keyboard for menus in edition to the mouse. A few of the games I've tried from the early 2000s don't, and most of those have the option once you get passed the main menu. Have not yet found a game that   doesn't except keyboard input in one form or other. Sighted people use the keyboard too of course, that is why there are keymapping options to rotate the camera, some like using the keyboard as much as they can for fast reflexes and so they don't have to move around too much. Making a game for both, is not a valid reason for not including  keyboard menu support. In my personal opinion. That is all this is by the way,  don't want to seem like I have a problem with the game, I'm still downloading it as I post this. everyone has there own preferences, for instance some audiogames offer joystick support which I've never used because it seems silly to me and I prefer the keyboard when I can. Thanks for adding to the greatness of the audio gaming play world! I plan to donate when I can just as a thanks to the devs

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