Re: Bulwark in the City of Flesh

Thanks again for the cool game.
Right now, I've been honestly kind of playing it like a 2d top-down sort of thing, rather than first person, because it's honestly just less disorienting to walk around always facing one direction, rather than turning and potentially forgetting what direction I'm facing. So it's how I've worked around it, but the added beep or direction facing notification would go a long way towards making the first perspective feel a lot smoother.
I love love the idea behind the mouse menus; it's so much faster than arrows. I wouldn't have called them clunky until now but I'm pretty sure after this all arrow based menus will feel clunky.
Any chance you could add a click to know when you've switched options? It doesn't have to be loud or anything, in fact I'd prefer it be something really subtle, but it could be nice if you know roughly were an option is and are just trying to slide to it. There are also a few dialogue options that start with a pause or an intake of breath, so knowing when I'm jumping between those faster might be niche useful. This isn't necessary or even a concern, just something which might be a tiny quality of life change.
Other stuff:
I think the most unique thing I've seen so far was the ability to jump between perspectives back on Earth, with the two guys listening to the SOS.
Seriously, that's so creative.
10/10 mechanic, love it.

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