Re: Thoughts on Shoehorning unrelated content into works of entertainment.

Note how I focused on your skin colour, your sexual orientation and your gender.
I said nothing at all about your social class or your disability, since those things are areas where you are apt to be the one being oppressed by those experiencing privilege. If you are going to respond to and refute something I'm saying, please stick to what I'm actually saying. You can't claim I assume wrongly when two of your criteria (social class, disability) were not ones I included here.
The only pieces you appear to have touched on are your social class, which may or may not directly tie to the colour of your skin, and your gender. I find it interesting that you draw this conclusion where I do not, because there are plenty of poor white folks out there, and plenty of wealthy individuals of colour. These two things are distinctly different classifications, so if you have been persecuted on both fronts, that's one thing, but if you have been persecuted on one front, that doesn't automatically mean you know what it's like on both. I personally do not.

If you have been oppressed or mistreated due to your gender, that's ugly and I apologize. Surely, however, you can understand the point I and perhaps others are attempting to make here? Your situation, while extremely unfortunate, is not necessarily the norm. You may be among a rare few men who have been hard done by due to your maleness. It does happen. It does not completely undue male privilege, but it blunts it in your case, and I respect what you're saying about the lingering effects of this sort of mistreatment. You are still capable of experiencing male privilege, however, and may in fact be using it unconsciously. To be frank, most people who experience privilege use it without even knowing they're doing it; that's what's so insidious about it. Someone who's shrill enough to tell you that you're an awful human being, due to either a factor you can't control or to a system you had no way of seeing and thus no idea you were manipulating to your benefit, is missing the point entirely. I'm here not to shame you for privilege, but to help you understand and internalize it.

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