Re: I'm a little on edge, looking for advice

I mean, you do you, but thinking that brexit won't fuck you over is very short sighted and the entire reason the UK is in the mess it's in to begin with.
The EU might be rather shitty, fully agree there, but you know what's even shittier? Having to have emergency stockpiles of food because you can't buy them from anyone once January roles around and Bojoh drops you guys out with no plan.
The EU is not the most democratic organisation, and honestly as a leftist I fully understand how you can see it as the imbodyment of everything evil about capitalism, but just dropping out without a plan is not how you deal with any of that, and it was pretty clear even back in 2016 when the actual referendum happened that any deal you guys were going to get was going to be awful anyways. Much more effective to stay in and have at least some say in the regulations that affect your biggest trading partners (before you say the US will step in to fill that role might I suggest you get yourself a map and realize how much further away the US is).
I think the UK election is another huge reminder though that calling the other side dumb racists is not how you win elections and only serves to mobalise the opposition. The day of the election my facebook feed was full of my UK friends making pro Labor memes and acting like they'd already won and thank god now we can finally fix the mess those idiot leave voters left us, then were shocked when they woke up with a Con majority. This you are wrong and racist and I won't dirty my hands by interacting with you instead I'll just make sure you can't express your opinions anywhere I can see it and pretend that means they went away attitude is how the world got Trump, how the UK got Brexit and now Bojoh, and it needs to stop. Some day we on the left will need to learn, and I just hope that day comes before it's too late.

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