Re: a website with audio described movies.

I just want to make a more general point here. I really hate that I'm having to say this. You can go ahead and consider my moderation hat on at the moment, though this post will contain no punishments.

At this point, the staff team are the ones who have decided which rules work, and which don't. We have a lot of collective experience between us, and we talk things out. There are times when I wish we could have banned someone faster, or times where a rule we agreed was a good idea comes into conflict with my own personal views (this one is tough for me, as a matter of fact). Mostly though, we get along. We agree on stuff. We don't just throw stuff at the wall to see what sticks. No, we aren't perfect, but if we put forth a rule, or amend one, there's always some sort of reason for it.

In the case of rule 3, it is meant to protect against edge cases, and is meant as a way to avoid potentially toxic backlash from the mainstream community, which may not take kindly to piracy links being tossed about willy-nilly. By deciding that you can't share piracy stuff publicly here, we're not impinging on your rights as a whole. We're not telling you that you're evil. We're not sitting on high and judging you. We're saying that these are our reasons for making this decision. You don't have to agree with our choice, but if you want to remain here, you would do well to accept it.

You are free to remain here so long as you follow rules. If you decide you don't want to follow our rules anymore, please show yourself out.

There comes a point where a decision gets made and you can either rail against it or accept it. To those of you who accept it even if you don't agree, I want to personally thank you. It can be teeth-grindingly upsetting to feel muzzled or not listened to; believe me, I get it. But to those of you who want to keep posting links and working hard to make our lives difficult, I can't express to you how disrespectful that feels. Instead of going to the places where this matters - you know, the retailers who provide legal content, say? - you are hassling people who have already made a choice. This choice, as has already been stated, doesn't really hurt any of you at all; go advertise elsewhere, share elsewhere, and we can't lift a finger to stop you. Instead, you somehow think it's productive to keep rabble-rousing. This is the sort of thing the community failure clause was meant to protect against, and it's precisely why I advocated for it almost as soon as I had the voice to do so.

Put frankly, we have done our best to make sure our rules are fair, and free of personal preference or any prejudice. But at the end of the day, we can't please everyone and aren't going to try. At the end of the day, what you believe is not relevant. If you remain here, you tacitly agree to behave. If you want to break the rules, and continue to escalate, it is a demonstration that you no longer respect the community enough to deserve a place here.

The tl>dr version: if you don't want to follow the rules, then why are you still here? If you want us to respect your point of view, why do you disrespect the work we do by deliberately trying to make it harder? That is not the way to make us take you seriously. In fact, it's apt to garner the opposite effect.

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