Re: Alter Aeon May 2014 Update

Actually I do know what you mean. While clerric gives me buffs and healing, and warrior lets me beat things up, I actually have a lot of fun with the necro skills that require managing teeth, soulstones and corpses.

While it seems some of the druid spells are rather like the mage or clerric ones, (indeed I learnt ice fog, blizard and earthquake back when they were clerric spells), the runes, totem carving and herb brewing, not to mention animal control look rather fun.

Only one question, what do you exactly calve runes into? At the moment sinse I'm pretty much in melee most of the time, I'm wearing the best armor that gives me hit and damage bonuses, most of which doesn't come with wood, and indeed using necro bone armor and occasionally shields (though I somtimes forgo the shield to have the jab skill), not to mention the dace of moran which always seems the best weapon available for pure damage.

I probably don't have eq slots free to ware r andom rune enchanted things, indeed I don't believe spell staff would be useful to me at the moment, though if the scrimshaw skill could be used to runify a bone shield that could be a nice combination, although of course all of these are very much long term ideas sinse as it's currently my sixth class it'll take a long time to level druid even past mage to be my fifth, let alone if I wanted it as my fourth instead of thief, particularly because I do plan to level mage to 7 to get the fly spell which I want for exploration purposes.


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