Re: Using Slang is Homophobic now?

Either that or he's just flat out ignoring this thread now, which comes to the same thing, really.  I'll acknowledge some of you in just a minute if you decide to keep on reading because again I think you're worth it, but I want to first say that in  reality, you can't make someone on a forum do anything, and that's the beauty of it.  We're going to prove it.  We're going to prove the point and will in all reality win the argument all the way through regardless whether he likes it or not.  But this isn't about winning the argument; it's about helping him own up to the facts.  If he comes back in here with another flaming post about how his life sucks and the forum is to blame, he'll prove it.  He doesn't have to.  ON the other hand, if he chooses to stay away from this topic and indeed even the forum, or at least not post for awhile, a good, long while, while he collects himself, nurses his bruised ego or whatever else the case may be, and put on his big boy pants as Liam put it, growing up, in essence, he'll be doing himself a favor and proving our point, yet again.  He doesn't have to.  whichever way he spins the ball at this point, he's got it in his cort and the choice is entirely his as to how he spins it.  I urge the rest of you to remain calm and collective.  As incensitive as some of the garbage is on here, the past 15 or so posts are proof that it doesn't have to be an absolute descent into madness.
And now, for some Acknowledging!  Hold on tight to your seats and don't wet your pants just because you got some nightmarish Nocturninja praise; I promise you it doesn't come with a cooky.  If that's what you're looking for, try your nearest Mcdonalds.
@Jayde, 96, you always shock me in a pleasant way.  As I keep watching you grow since taking the moderation hat I arguably may or may not have thrown away too quickly and putting it on, I've seen you take on a roll which was, at the time you took it, much greater than the one I first assumed, and which has become even bigger still since that time.  I cannot imagine the strain it puts on you and at times, as selfish as this is going to sound, I hardly want to, given the things I felt when closing down topics or just flat out handing down a simple moderation warning.  I do try to put myself in your shoes, however, but I know I'm not doing it justice given I'm not at all in your shoes and more than likely never will be.  It would not be an overstatement in my opinion to say that this community owes you for the great service you've put forth in your duties when you could have taken the choice to step back and tossed it all away.
@NevEd, I'm going to kill two birds with one stone with you, 97 and 100.  I love seeing you write when you actually decide to take it seriously as you did in these two posts.  You remind me of me in many respects.  You've got just enough snark in you to be a satirist but not to come across as an overly cocky jerk in your posts.  The fact that you humble yourself to the point of apology and that you're willing to more or less do a 180 yourself when you see that someone else is willing to walk the extra mile before you or when you see someone else putting their best foot forward is itself respectable.  Yes, I had a lot of the issues you have now.  I used to view my parents as religious fanatics who's life revolved around Jesus and church and cramming their beliefs down everyone's sthroat.  If you read my posts, you will discover that I'm on the other side now, and while I don't always showcase it, I don't believe it is always necessary to do so as a Christian, or at least not in the sense that many of them feel they must.  I believe in God, believe in Jesus and many of the other things you and others have heard where he's concerned, but don't expect you to believe them just because I do.  We'll leave it there and go on with our lives until you, or anyone else wishes to discuss them with me personally and not in a setting where everyone feels like they have an debate to win.  Otherwise?  Live and let live.  If free will is as real as christians claim it is and believe it to be, they must acknowledge it entirely and without trying to restrain others from it.  I try to live by that.
@defender, 99, thanks for the clarification.  I probably could have ascertained as much if I had chosen to carefully read your writing; don't blame it entirely on yourself.  I was short on sleep and feeling somewhat irritable... I just felt you were worht complimenting last night because you lost me with one post and hooked me with another.  :d
@simba, post 102, Might I kindly and humbly ask you to take a step back and look at what you wrote here?  I want you to self-examine for a minute.  would you take an I'm sorry right now from him?  I know I wouldn't.  He could come in here and throw together the most wonderfully worded apology he's ever written, and I still wouldn't take it.  Why?  Because he's done it before.  Do I forgive him for his attitude?  Sure!  Will I trust him to make right?  Not at present.  He needs to cool off and cool down.  He needs to really look at himself.  He needs to take off the gauntlet and stop trying to act so impulsively and with such knee jerk intensity, learn to accept that just because he feels like something is right or wrong does not dictate that he should be the one to act on it, particularly when he is so close to the subject matter.  I'm not going to say I've never gone off the rails because I have, even if I haven't done it on this forum... I honestly don't know and I would not try to deny it if it in fact is true that I've done it out here at least once.  the difference is that I always try to consult others rather than just listening to myself and my own gut feeling on anything.  Doing otherwise is, as I've stated elsewhere, the height of arrogance.
@Mayana, 103, that was well worded and nicely presented.  I don't even know what else to say that wouldn't just sound like empty praise, so I'm going to leave it there.  No that I really do like it and walk away with the certainty that while it may have seemed like you were just echoing what others have already said, your phrasing carried with it your own personal experiences and struggles and the certainty that you came to the realization that they were yours to handle as you chose.

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