Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.1)


Good look, in the buildings' class, the trees and the plants seem to behave like we want. But they are concerned now by the abilities that affect buildings,
maybe some players will notice this curiosity. About the spook lights, I think I will do like I said, with a speed as 0 and a range of 2 meters. I'm not
sure it's necessary to put them like buildings.

hmm it's more realist if the trees and plants can be affected by spells or skills that affects buildings. Both are asserted on the ground.

About the meters, this is the ideal behavior  for the game. All things have to be calculated respecting the meters, and not be the squares. The squares should just be a navigation method for the maps, and not a calculating parameter.
With this, the special range will be completely deleted of the game, and the units like catapults, only have a long meter range to attack adjacent squares. Of course will be necessary create other new parameter, a death zone for this kind of unit. For example, if an enemy is less than 5 meters, the  unit can't attack this enemy.


I don't think the range modifier works for abilities, like you can only put square, nearby, or anywhere for abilities ranges.

nop, all  abilities completely ignores the range parameter.

Pragma, if you can, in the credits of new version, put "Typhlojuegos" Mailgroup as the contributors of Spanish translation. Not my nick. I only distribute the translation to you.
is a bug that the spiing airship don't have a mana_regen?
Or is deffined that are maximum 4 shoots of gas lacrimojene for each airship.


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