Re: What do you think of this video?

Accman, I'm officially done trying to reason with you,. I guess for you that's good news, but it also makes me sad. You are part of the problem and you don't even know it. Your arrogance is such that you are taking your view on things as absolute and incontestable. You are ignoring the things being shown to you by people who have lived it, or made it their life's work to deal with these issues. You've decided that your view is the one true view, which unfortunately just makes you another entry in the long, long list of people who don't get it, who don't want to get it, and who, each in their own tiny ways, are getting in the way of progress. But hey, at least this means no more distracting arguments between the two of us. There's that much.

There are people out there who absolutely cannot stand to have their worldview shaken, much less shattered or turned upside down. You appear to be one of these people. And until that changes, you are going to be a minor roadblock that others have to deal with. If you were truly sorry to cause harm, you would be willing to re-examine your stances and your worldview. Your attempts to quibble about the words "race" and "homophobia", your insistence that "all lives matter" even in the face of this situation, your suggestion that having black friends somehow guarantees that you aren't racist in any way, your insistence that we all be colour-blind and ignore racial issues, your deracialization of systemic problems that are absolutely and undoubtedly the fault of oppressive systems meant to empower whites while stepping on everyone else...any one of these things alone would be a minor annoyance, but all of them paint an extremely clear picture.

You're not a raging, hate-filled racist who's trying to hurt people. I hear that. In your own way, you think this is the right choice. I hear that, too. But I can't respect your stance when it is so controversial, so full of contradiction and so interwoven with white-serving rhetoric.

I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I hope that one day you really sit down and have a look at how the world works. Not just your view on it, but how it -actually works. Watch that video I linked. Read up on some of the things mentioned in it. Go digging into the details of racism, not just against blacks but against virtually every race. You will come to realize that while racism against whites does happen in some places and situations, it appears to be by far and away the minority. Most racism happens toward non-whites, and is perpetrated by whites. I hope one day you will come to understand that all the way down in your gut. It takes time, and it takes courage. I hope you find both.

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