Re: What do you think of this video?

I probably shouldn't wade into this particular shit creek, but I'm dipping one toe in and then backing away. Really.

Here's what I don't get about the "all lives matter, and no one should receive preferential treatment" argument. If that's *really* what you believe, then you *should* support the idea that black lives matter. Why? Because black lives are *already* being treated differently. BLM isn't about putting one group on a pedestal. It's about the idea that one group is being disproportionately impacted by a whole bunch of negative externalities that have already been beaten to death in this thread. So black folks and allies are finally rising up and demanding that, if we're all being served a shit sandwich, then maybe it's about time we all started eating equal shares of it. And you know what will happen if this comes true? A bunch of white folks will become irate about increased police presence in their lives. They'll become upset when their neighbors start writing Facebook and NextDoor posts about the suspicious white folks walking down their streets or sitting on their porches. Then, eventually, collective heads will pop out of collective asses, and we can *genuinely* start having conversations about how all lives do, truly, matter.

Black lives matter isn't saying that black lives are *all* that matters. It's saying "hey, here's this group that routinely gets served a bigger slice of the shit sandwich, and yall need to cut that out." From that perspective, trumpetting sanctimoniously about how all lives matter is like saying "too bad, keep on chewing." And no amount of "that isn't how I feel, I have black friends" gets you a pass on that. I'm actually surprised folks keep trotting that particular trope out--that's literally the poster child opener for "I'm about to drop some really narrow-minded shit, but hey it's OK because I have black friends, so my views can't be *all* bad..." It's like the moment when Wile E. Coyote steps off the cliff and hangs in mid-air right before looking down...

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