Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.2)

Well, some things.

About the robots, specify the mobile sensor units. This robot, comparing with air counterpart, is completely useless, specially because it's is in the same tier that drone.
For train a mobile sensor, you need a mainframe, robotics fabrics and a signal modulator. But for drone, you need only one more building, magnesite extractor, that is a key building for can train all of damaging units.
The only situation in that you have signal modulator, but not magnesite extractor, is if you want go to directly to build plasma canons, but. Is very hard make this build, because the tier 3 of robots is pretty expensive and try to reach this level in a few time without any kind of battling support is really impossible.

The point is, when you have built a signal modulator, in the most cases, you have a magnesite extractor previously created. and you prefer create drones instead mobile sensors.

Is necessary make more differences between mobile se nsor and drone, specially reduce the tier of mobile by one, or change a drone making it a upgrade of mobile sensor instead a different  unit.

For easier detects of this kind of problems, we have to create a tech tree for each race, and deffine which units, buildings and upgrades are in each tier of that race.

For example, only darks and savages have soldiers in a early tier 1. All other races requires more than one building for can train the basic soldier for them. But, the tier 3 of technician are pretty poor; in tier 3, they have one more building with one upgrade, but don't have more units, or spells. but! they tier 2 is to powerful having the option to create they most powerful airships.

In the case of savages, in their tier 2, they only have the option to create one building that is unique purpose is making hunters able to invoke their pets, and in tier 3, them have one more ability enabler building, and one new unit with a lots of powerful skills. W ithout counting the sentinel tree.


Are you talking about something like autocast in Warcraft 3? An ability would have an autocast parameter with for example "never/yes/always".

Really? this is currently implemented in the game? lol i don't know about this xD.
How do it works? Specially the yes and always syntax? which is the interval of autocast an ability, is possible do that a unit, autocast its skill when it is starting to attack? for example replace the normal damage with a one explosive suicide skill (like zerg's banelings) that is autocasted when the unit is in battling mode?

[ a-t ]:
The range is more about minimal range and maximal range. But, at the moment, it would be simple to do what zakc93 suggests and attack in the same square
if possible (range), then, as a second choice, attack in another square if possible (special_range). Ideally the notion of square would be removed from
the simulatio n, even if it might be useful to keep it in the user interface.

hmmm yes, but the special range condition says that the unit can attack the entire square standing in adjacent square? (as the parameter currently works)
For example, a sniper have range of 5 (can attack in the same square with a maximum range of 5 meters) and the special range flag. In the adjacent squares, it's shoots can damage any unit in this square? completely ignoring the distance into this square?

[ a-t ]:

The zerg drone mutation would require a variant of the "upgrade to" order with a "meadow" target. By the way I'll have to check the differences between
buildings and units. They are small if I remember correctly.

Hmmm you should make a upgrade option with some targets options. For example self (like the current behavior) Meadow (like a zerg variant) or another that needs target another unit for fusion both (or the entire group) of units. And some extra requirements to upgrade, for example, that is necessary to be standing next to a specific building. Like am... an elf that requires meditate next to its mind tree to raise its mental aptitudes. xD. or in the case of zergs, or protoss, that the creep or psy influence can be implemented as objects or buildings. Or well, a ability of buildings that change the meadows of their squares and adjacent, into another terrain type.
If this is implemented, one effect that is change one terrain by another, a new kind of skills can created for disturbing the opponent. One that makes unavailable the terrains of a selected square, turning the meadows (or resource deposit) into infested forest, infested gold, poisson meadow, etc etc. by a period of time, of course.

Well! is simply real that the possibilities in this kind of game are infinite!

And for this mod, the darks really needs a notion of creep (or dark influence) for build their buildings.
Is curious. In the mod, all races builds our buildings. Any of them invoke it, or transform one basic structure into other buildings. Darks can use this kind of build method, or elves. For example, the peasants only plants seeds, and next, you can grow the seeds in to one of their tree based buildings.
hmmmm o-o! Other option for robots, that their major unit dont't be created in any building. It's have been built by the geeks! jajaja!

[ a-t ]:

The summoning sacrifice might be achieved by upgrading a unit to an "effect unit" with eventually a decay.

Dam, it's correct. I forget this option xD.
But currently you can't declare that one skill needs pay with some amount of life, like stinpack of terrans. And, effects that raises (or decreases) some parameter of target. For example, stinpack. lol. paying 10 of life, the unit can decrease its cooldown, and increase its damage for a period of time. Or one fog that drastically reduce the speed of enemie s that walk through it.

[ a-t ]:

I won't be able to describe all, but the simulation is in the files that start with "world". Interesting classes are in this list from line 231:

thanks! I going to study it!
but some parts are bvery confuse @-@ Or my programming level is very poor than of you big_smile

[ a-t ]:

A flag for teleportation would be more flexible, since only the Unit class (Soldier, Worker) is teleportable. Teleportability could be changed unit by
unit while having the current defaults provided by the Building and Unit classes.

Thumbs up

hmmm talking about the flags.
It's necessary add to harm_target options the keyword enemy. For create some weak skills thats only affect a units of enemys. And, currently is possible creating custom flags?
For example, one flag  na med "Mechanical". And this flags, you can use in targets for skills, upgrades, harms, heals, etc etc.

Respecting the effects, if it has damage, they can't attack to your enemys. But if its  has heal levels, they can heal your units.
if possible creating some common heal effects / units? that heals all units, independently if the unit are ally or enemy. Like arm. That damage ally and enemy units.

Well... other thing, currently one unit, have only one type of attack, and can't differentiate between ground and air attack. For future, this can be implemented. One unit can have different properties for each attack that is has. For example, one unit that can attack adjacent squares, but only air units with x damage. but in the same square it only can attack ground unit with y amount of damage. With this, add to attacks the bonus property. but not a external bonus like a bonus of upgrade, but a bonus that depends of a characteristics of target. Wit h this, using flags. X bonus if the target is a building. Or y bonus if the target is a heavy unit. z bonus if it is a air an light unit, etc.

Hmmm I have to save this document, for future with suggestions for the game xd.


The game have specific keys to select mages or dragons separately. they  are in the manual.

2. Hear what everything does ingame (preferably before I buy it)?

Nop, only if you know previously.

3. Use a menu with the arrow keys to see everything that is in the room (separate land stuff from mob stuff?

Only exist some different keystrokes to select one or other kind of object in the square.
For example, ctrl+tab to select meadows, forest , goldmines and fast targetable units that have instant effects (transport or need repair). d to select all workers in the square, other keys to select all soldiers in the squares, etc.

4. cycle through all work units who are not assigned?

alt+e to select workers that are lazy. xD

5. hear the focus of the game

any key that does nothing. ctrl.

Also, it would be really cool if one made a story to go along with different units. Also, it may be more clear if the different races could be chosen before
the game starts.

you can choose your race in the lobby of any match. Remember, for best play with multyrace matches, you have to play in the multiplayer menu, or server menu. Don't use the single player options.


how can I use chat in the game? thanks for help.

only in the lobby, , non into game.
Press s to write your message, and with f5 you can hear the messages that you received. Press repeatedly for read more than last message

And... mama mia! that post! xd

sorry for this wall of  text xd.


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