Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

I'm seeing both points here. I agree, gun control on the US, should be much tighter than what it is. However, to those who say guns should be a privilege... think of this. Those few, privileged, people who owned guns... could very, very easily, abuse said privilege, and if that where to happen... what then for those who cannot defend themselves? Wait for the army to come and save their ass? While they get there, lots of people would've been killed already. While I do believe that one does have a right to own a gun, for self-defense or hunting, I believe that if, say said use of the gun was abused, for instance, you kill someone and it was not in self defence; your guns should be taken away, and you wouldn't be allowed to own a gun for abusing the right. Now. For self defense, at least for me, self defense means that you don't have any option. That its either kill or be killed, or something just a drastic, rape, etc. Anything less than that is... not self defense, in my opinion.

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