Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

@998, So? Did he call you a idiot personally? That was more of a general term. The fact you took it personally... And as far as waving your degree-as  proof that your not an idiot, you said it yourself mind you... uh,
1: That is irrelevant with the topic at hand, and even if it was from the top 3 schools in the US... So what? I and many others won't care about that  fact. A degree doesn't show if someone is dumn or not. The fact you have a degree doesn't mean that, oh, i'm smart, and people who don't, are not; neither does the fact that you went to one of the top 3 colleges... indicate one is smarter or stupederthan anyone else.  Stop waving your degrees like proof of stuff. I mean, its great you went to one of the top colleges and got your degree; or degrees. But for the love of God,  quit waving them around and saying, because I graduated from so and so, and have this and that degree, i'm smart;  That's not how life works, and hiding behind one's degree and what college does one go to... won't work.  And as far as taking the idiiot post personally... Read it again; that was general, not, personal. If the poster who posted that comment would've wanted to insubt you directly; they would've done it. Moving on though,
  even if all guns where band except for law enforcement etc... there has been; and is; abuse of power in those branches, hell there is in every branch, people abusing their power. Either,
1. All guns, and I mean, all guns; are band, and not even law enforcement gets to use them, or,
2. Gun control becomes tighter. The thing is, giving guns to only one group, is giving them all the power, as it where. As an example, with the scenario that all guns are band safe for law enforcement etc,
You see a officer abusing his position of authority. You try and stop him, or tell them to stop. They pull out a gun and tell you to fuck off, or something similar... What then? The person who was beeing abused by said authority figure... is pritty much fucked in that case, as if anyone other than another officer tried to help, chances are they would be heald at gunpoint etc. Granted this scenario is extreme at best, and unlikely, but I just made it to proove my point. And, no, i'm not saying every law enforcement officer abuses their power; no. However, there are those that do, and God knows what would happen if they had guns and everyone else didn't. For those who abuse their position as authority figures... It would suck for the ones who got abused. The thing is, banning all guns is not the right solution, unless its a complete, utter, ban, where no one except for the army, would get to have guns, and even in that case, not personal guns. Said guns could only be used in operations, then they get locked back up or put away or something. The truth is a solution to this isn't easy, ams both sides have valid points.
Far as the AR15... No. Its not a assault rifle. The AR15 is, in short, the civilian version of the m16. And for what its worth, a glock can also be turned into a smg pritty easily. So its not just a problem of automatic assault rifles, handguns can be turned fully automatic as well. Not all of them, but some, the glock beeing one example.

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