Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end? this is where I do want to actually straight-up draw a line here.

Observe the following fictional scenario.

Bob says:
Your degree really doesn't mean much. People can throw around a ton of money and just get a degree that way, and that doesn't make them intelligent, doesn't mean they earned their degree. So just because you have a degree doesn't mean you earned it.

So fine. Shots fired.

Now you don't get to then turn around and say, "Well Bob didn't actually mean to call you out". Yes, he absolutely did. You don't build a strawman like that for nothing.

Either money matters to Enes's degree, or it doesn't.
If it does matter, then own your attack.
If it doesn't, then it should not have been cited. As Enes rightly pointed out, this is a really slimy and backhanded way to cast doubt on someone's qualifications. Because okay, sure, it does happen. But unless you have a reason to think it happened in this scenario, there's no reason to mention it.

Good faith means that you:
1. Accept that Enes earned his degree legitimately until proven otherwise, rather than putting him on the defensive, and
2. accept that Enes possessing a degree means that he is qualified in at least one area of expertise

Good faith does -not require that you take everything Enes says as gospel truth. He's not infallible simply because he has accreditation from prestigious academic institutions. It should mean, however, that in a very general sense, he had the wherewithal to earn his accreditation honestly (again, until proven otherwise). That counts for something.

On the flip side, you didn't help yourself out much, Enes. When some folks do what you just did, wave their credentials as proof that they aren't foolish, it does look a lot like posturing. I respect that you were made defensive by comments inferring that you were an idiot, but your overreaction might have made this worse than it already was.

Tl.dr: don't bring shit up unless it's relevant. Don't throw mud unless you're willing to hold up your dirty hands and say, "Yeah, that was me, and here's why". Lacking that reason, just don't bother. I don't feel there's any really good defense for bringing money (as it relates to a degree) directly into this discussion.

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