Re: Jet Suits

There's an old urban legend that scientists have no idea how bumble bees fly.  There's a little bit of truth to it, but mostly it just comes down to we know enough and no one's interested, not some mystery.

The scalability of this is limited by the weight of your fuel, which is in turn limited by the size of your engines, which in turn makes it heavier, which in turn requires more fuel, etc etc etc.  The only hope for this is some incredibly efficient battery, better than anything we've currently got, because otherwise making the fuel tank bigger means making the engines bigger and it's very quickly not a jet suit anymore.

But that higher altitude problem starts at like 10 stories, anyway.  And turbines have a maximum efficiency.  So you can't just be all "I'll make the engine apply more force" without also making that bigger too.

This isn't the first time someone's been all "I have a jetpack prototype".  People have been doing these in one form or another for years.  As I recall even Mythbusters got one almost working off a cannibalized lawn mower or something.  Getting off the ground isn't hard.  Yet every time someone does it it's all "nevermind physics, we'll totally have it".  If I had to put my money on something, it's going on well-established physics, not enthusiastic plucky inventor.

We might eventually get this but we need batteries 10 times better than what we've got.  It's not tesla, it's Tesla but also you never lift your foot off the gas and have to exert sideways forces for stability.  But that still leaves the turbine/fan/propeller problems where you need really big ones for efficiency and stability.  This technology doesn't miniaturize.  At best you can make it smaller by extending the current state of the art in materials science and batteries and probably several other things.

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