To answer some of your questions:
- the average length of the game is 5-6 hours;
- the two new gameplays I was writing about are the fistfighting and the shootout on wagon (but I won't spoil them, so you can try them yourself);
- to clear up any dubts, we would like you to know more about the game we have produced. A Western Drama is basically an arcade game  (let's say shoot em'up) with increasing difficulty curve, filled with various narrative scenes. We focused a lot on the genre because we love it and we dreamed of giving our audio gamers an experience in the Old West. We tried to create "a spaghetti-western alchemy" between gameplay, story, sound design and soundtrack, and this was the focal point that guided us in the design of the game.
We would like, as I wrote, to design other audiogames, so all the suggestions and considerations we will receive on our first project will help us understand what to improve and what to change smile

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