At 51, Dude, that's actually really poor form if you were a part of the testing team to reveal any information about the game before release day. I'm not sure what conditions there were in agreeing to test it out, but many companies tend to have NDAs in regards to any individuals scheduled to test out a product before its release day.

If I did what you did where I worked, I'd be beyond fired and sued by my company. I'd end up getting a ton of negative references from my last employer for pulling a stunt like that for essentially crossing my employer's trust in regards to keeping stuff quiet for release day (it's in our contracts/employee handbook). Literally this post killed any chances of you participating in any other testing teams for games ever again if people were dogged enough to check history and spotted you doing this. You're job wasn't review the game, it was to test, suggest improvements, and try to break the game so that unexpected bugs are covered.

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