Re: Discussion of the 2020 American Federal Election

Sure, fine, whatever. But I, consequently, won't be your friend or willing to work with you if you go around wishing horrible death on people.  And while you're probably going "well that Camlorn, he's so full of it thinking I care about this", there's a lot of other people here who will probably also not work with you, and it's definitely also not the kind of thing that an employer would want to see.

You seem to think that speech is consequence free just because it's an opinion, but all you've done is shown all of us that you have as much rage and anger as ironcross32, with a not dissimilar amount of self-control.

People who act how you act give liberals a bad name and hurt all the causes you say you support.  And on a personal level, it'll destroy your relationships and damage your future.  By all means walk the outspoken nonconformist my enemies shall die in fire path.  But as you do so, remember that there are consequences, and that this is *exactly* the thing you're angry at people on the right for doing, and *exactly* what Trump does every day.

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