Re: Wifi tracking your devices

I don't think Apple will advocate turning off the radios entirely, because they make use of them themselves, for geolocation.  Also, they have iBeacon, which requires Bluetooth and (surprise!) performs many of the same kinds of tracking that these Wi-Fi based solutions do.

Sadly, as long as their are parasites who think we owe them all a favour (and that's what these trackers are, parasites, on the same moral and ethical level as spammers and scammers) the arms-race will continue a pace. The iOS randomisation feature is known to interfere with some configurations using MAC address filtering (which you shouldn't be doing anyway, because it's a complete waste of time and effort) and iOS is already leaking the names of your previous networks just trying to rejoin hidden networks that you may have used (thanks, purveyors of security by obscurity), which makes you easy meat for someone with inexpensive equipment spoofing Wi-Fi networks that you're tr ying to connect to. Therefore it may be wise to avoid open networks altogether, although to be honest even I can't do that, and you may want to change your home wireless network SSID to something less personal, which I just can't be bothered to do for the sake of those parasites.

I wouldn't normally advocate using a VPN, because I believe that all secure transactions should be secure--we should be upgrading the Internet to HTTPS, and using secure protocols. However, if you're going to use open networks, then keeping people from learning where you go is probably not a bad idea. It's either that, or recognise when you're out in the open, and refrain from doing anything touchy. It seems clear that there are bad people trying to harvest information being sent over unsecured Wi-Fi.

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