Re: Wifi tracking your devices

As to your email point, there was once a time when it was considered no problem to send email with the actual address of the author on it. Strange idea, I know, but it worked, because people trusted one another. If you sent the email by way of someone or something else, you would indicate their identity in the Sender: field.

You mentioned AOL, well, they recently deployed DMARC, which does more or less what you asked for, insisting that messages with a particular author domain are signed with the domain's signing key, and/or that the author domain authorised email originating from particular IP addresses to represent it. Naturally, this fucked up mailing lists fairly comprehensively, since both conditions can't be true for email relayed through a list server.

And this is where I get fairly defensive when people say that email is "Broken"; it's not broken at all, it's operating *exactly* as designed. Unfortuna tely, "Exactly as designed" is neither what people expect nor, apparently, what people desire from a more secure email environment. The people who pushed DMARC did so knowing the breakage they would cause, but they didn't care because the big security picture dictates that we solve the problem of having a trusted user-visible field. I think they're somewhat ethically challenged, but I accept the premise, and now that it's clearly going forward, I'm a reluctant supporter of it.

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