Re: planning on making an offline battle game like super smash bros brawl

That ideologies so wrong it’s not even funny. So, you are arguing that people should learn new jobs on the fly.  Hey guys. I want to be a chef at this extremely prestigious restaurant. I have never cooked anything in my life, but I’m sure I will learn on the job. What’s that? Food poisoning? Improper preparation of ingredients? Oh, it’s just me learning. Disregard that, please. What do you mean you’re going to sue me? For what?
Starting on a huge project is pretty much guaranteeing failure. You don’t have to give up the idea, but start a lot smaller. Make a game window. Allow the user to close the game window. Make a simple counter within your game window. Speak a message or two.  Make a basic menu. Refactor that menu. I’m sure you get the gist of this.  I would even start smaller at his level. Print the result of adding two numbers. Figure out how to declare variables. Convert your addition into a function. Stuff like that. Projects fail because of the lack of components necessary to pull them off successfully.
You encouraging him to follow his dreams essentially forces him to commit proverbial suicide. It’s like trying to do calculus without knowing basic algebra, a very short-lived endeavor.

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