Re: what do I need to learn to be independent?

39, gas pipelines have evolved in safetyness though. Most cities already have main feeder lines, and I actually examined pipeline during construction when they were laying it down. The main street line, seperate from the main service line, has a massive tube in which a much smaller pipe is located. And after pipelines are placed, pressure tests are run and x-rays are taken of the entire structure to see if any cracks exist.  the carbon emission doesn't make sense iether. Sure you need electric as well, but  for heating gas is alot cheaper, and you aren't being any more environmentally friendly by using electiric because electricity production iether harms the environment, nuclear waiste, or even more carbon than gas, from burning coal and gas too.
As for cleaning, you really don't need a training camp to learn cleaning skills. 99.99% of it is pretty self explanatory  and easy. The only  thing I thankfully haven't had to deal with is spills on the wall to wall apartment carpet but taking care of that is pretty straightforward too.

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