Re: I am affronted by the presence of god

@Jayde, the issue you are describing in post 99 is very sensitive to religious people. It is  because they haven't asked the question themselves comparing real evidence with what they know from books written thousands of years ago. If they did their faith would evaporate. If they could see behind this hipocricy, the all loving, all knowing and almighty god of the new testament who helped countles people, cured the sick, etc, is simply not here anymore, or maybe it never was.
But then, fear comes, takes control of the mind and stops the questioning, stops the wandering and the desire to get answers. Most religious people I know believe in god because they are affraid of what comes next. They are affraid that, if they don't believe they will be damned to eternal torture and damned forever. Simply put, if god exists and I believe, do good things, I go to heaven. If god doesn't exist though and I still believe and do good things then I have nothing to lose by believing and everything to lose by not believing. Why would god get all the credit for everything good that is happening in this world and none for the bad? Because people are affraid to say it outloud, religious people fear that, by even thinking about this, they are comiting an unforgetable sin and be damned forever. Heck, look at the english language, even saying hell is considered a bad word. This is called conditioning. When people believe in ilusory things, in things that aren't real but could be. Religion is very clever because it uses two methods of conditioning. One that will make you believe that you will go to heaven, the place where there will be only peace, love, happiness etc, and the fear of damnation where you will burn eternally and suffer unspeakable pain. Atheism is stil considdered a taboo because, for many people, it is an unforgivable sin to think or say that god doesn't exist so the questioning never arises in the first place. Whenever it tries to arise it's quickly suppresed and considdered comming from the devil.

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