Re: So I've been Playing Lost Souls for a While...

I actually kind of enjoy the word oriented view on the mud instead of player oriented.  In most other muds, your usually led along to your quest in fame for glory, killing something said to be emensly powerful and deadly, and then killing it in 3-4 rounds and being harolded a hero by the people of that area, een though your pretty sure if a band of them got together, they could of easily handled the threat on their own.  in lost souls, if something is dangerous and left alone, it's because no one amongst them is able to take down the threat as it is actually difficult and dangerous.  This is sort of displayed with town raids.   Sometimes an area gets invaded by a group of mobs looking to cause havoc and destruction around the place.  (Which gets awkward when your starting in losthaven, and wonder what the monstrous multi-eyestocked floating thing is doing in a group of them and it's minion before you get beamed down.)  (yes, did happen to a char I wanted to test out and just stepped out of the adventurer's guild)   When a raid occurs, usually the guards are on the seen, and unlike most muds, the guards are an actual threat to the raiders most of the time depending on area and raider.  (However, pretty much all of the raids can take down the Stillwater guard force there, cackle).  The guards run in, do what they do, and try to take ddown the danger, usually being successful.  For those times they are dying by the dozen and the mobs still tromp around the area, players in some of the  guard assocs, wandslinger assoc, or just wandering by can try to help out and take down a threat many of the residents have tried to defeat and failed.   Here you can get an actual feel of feeling as if you were truly powerful, and getting an award for helping out, either through promotions from the assorts associations, ka for wandslingers, or just the assorted eq on the corpses of the area .]]]   

    Also when yu start off as weak as you are in Lost souls, and progression to greatness comes gradually, you don't have that expectation that you should be able to kill everything and everyone like I see in some playerbases.  The devs don't make a mob for it to be difficult to kill, they expect their mob to be extraordinarily difficult to defeat, verging on unstoppable, which consider the reputation in game of the few mobs on the land, is realistic.  When you make it too easy at the bginning, letting players easily trounce through all the mobs in an area, and then they reach the point of the game they have to fight a 100 ft giant hell dragon thing, they have the expectation of being able to kill it with a bit more effort like the previous 4 foot demon thing earlier, maybe putting on a bit of saves and then just spamming something until it somehow dies in a tick or two.  And then when something is extraordinarily hard, peo ple whine they cannot solo a group mob.   Losing that, people know if something has a reputation of being hard, it is going to require a lot more preparation to fight and take down, usually employing new tricks or unusual strategies to prevent yourself let's say, being hit by someone's powerful invocations.  You see them use their hand to  aim and point at you, but the fight would take too long to go at the mob's body or head befor eyou would have to run and heal.  You then go for aiming at his arm or hand if you have the skill to hit a target like that and chop it off.  There, no more of that spell.   Then you have stuff like the new aricol who an pumble you down with necromantic unarmed attacks, spew out blasts of elemental forces from his hands, do a lot of the things a ringwraith can do, and now has a primal area attack, which if wondering what that means, he blasts everyone with essentially the purist form of energy, the ve ry essence of it which is not resisted by many things or at all.  And even veteran players die spectacularly to these actual threats to the overall mainland.  There's even comedic logs ont he wiki for the player vs npc portion. 

   I just like the world view as something a lot more realistic to your pc char overall, as he or she or it is no different rom mobs of that race.  You have to forge your difference out and try to strive upwards instead already being that special something form the getgo.  but I can see how it is not for casual players.  I thinkt he threat of randomly being subjected to the daily lives of the mobs, form random raids, to fling into a roaming dragon can get discouraging, especialy if you do not hae a lot of time and cannot get your stuff back.  Though those of the more serious or especially the hardcore types would enjoy the difficulty and reward of starting with a directionless land and working yo ur way upwards, figuring out where to go and what to train, and asking others.

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