Re: So I've been Playing Lost Souls for a While...

One more thing.  LS has a really awesome psionics system.

Some races have the extremely high possibility of acquiring a psychic talent.  These talents range from the ability to telepathically communicate with beings, to boiling the blood of your victims. 
If you are a psychic race, (usually the less magical races), you have a higher chance of acquiring a talent.  The talent you will get depends on the skills you currently have.  For example, a person with very high linguistic abilities may get something like mindspeaker, while a person with Fire affinity may get the firestarter talent.
Anyway, after you acquire a talent, you're not told what it is.  You simply are notified with a message like, "You experience a strange, dizzying sensation of expansion within yourself, with bizarre, fleeting
imaginings rushing through your mind.  Your philosophical insight seems to have unlocked some kind
of hidden potential wi thin you, expanding your mind in some mysterious way."

After this, you have a period of time where you have the talent, but you need to pop (activate) it.   The way popping a talent works is actually pretty awesome.  If you were to say get the firestarter talent, whenever you were set on fire, you may have a chance of popping that talent.  If you see someone that's injured, you may pop the psychic healer talent, etc.

As you move to proceed outward, something stirs strangely deep in your mind, and suddenly you
find yourself moving very, very far outward indeed, hurtling through the very fabric of the
somewhere in the Exoma [in, n, nd, nu]
    You see an elektros and a bright green-spotted dark blue hermaphroditic pyx.
You realize that your latent psychic wild talent is that of a planeswalker.

Anyway, enough rambling for me tonight.  If anyone decides to try the game and has questions, send toottoot a tell, that's the name of my primary character.

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