Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

Well the list of unanswered questions that the Moff started and never delivered on is endless, indeed when did he ever answer! one of the questions he posed in the least satisfying way? I agree with He who moans on this one, it's like a mystery story saying "And the hero finally cracks the mysterious safe to find a box marked with the letter V and a question mark! and finally opens the box  inside that is a paper with a herren and a scarf" it's just bad writing pure and simple which is why we didn't get an answer.

Weerdly enough, pretending that there are only ten doctors is remarkably easy given how little eleventh and twelth doctors have to do with the previous series beyond the od throwaway line, (the moff treated those stupid cracks in time as his own time war, shoving all the previous plot up there and ignoring it himself).

If of course series 9 proves to be amazing, or the Moff suddenly dies and is replaced by someone good, I might have to change my opinion but it doesn't look like that is going to happen any time soon, (sinse even if the Moff is! replaced whether the replacement can salvage the series rassilon only knows).

Regarding the time war, to be honest this is why i always preferd the idea of the time war as something unknowable that screws around with reality warping timelines, sinse Cx2 is correct on Dalek infrastructure, simply blowing up a bloody huge fleet wouldn't stop the daleks, and it's ridiculous to assume that all the timelords happened to be on Galifrey. At least for the Daleks this is supported in Bf audios like the Dalek empire series when you see the daleks have literally their own galaxy to wage war from. If however we conceive of the war as something huge and timey wimey, then you don't need to worry about those sorts of questions, after all look at all the distorted and cutoff timelines in the axis.

I also like the idea from a thematic perspective tha t the Time war remains a mysterious evil and something beyond knolidge, sinse indeed something that could scare the master into fleeing to the end of the univers,e involve weapons like the Nightmare child that were worse than the daleks must! be bad. Nothig you could see on screen could equal what you can imagine for that, it's the same reason Sauron isn't ever seen in Lord of the rings, sinse mystery increases fear, particularly when your dealing with a war that goes beyond time and reality.

As to Leela, I wonder if we'll see her parting from Romana and leaving galifrey at the end of the galifrey series, sinse we know she winds up a captive of the Zednai. I could well believe that Romana set this up rather than having Leela involved in a war she could not win, indeed it's possible romana flees galifrey as well. this is actually where I thought the galifrey series would end when Romana, Leela and Braxiatel ended up in the axis traversing realities, sinse i t got them out of the main timtimeline. that was not the case of course but maybe it's a hint on where things are going.
Regarding the  license, remember that  audio go was bbc's publishing line, and all of the new series doctor who audio books (which are actually just audio readings of printed books and often abridged), are publishe by the bbc. The bbc isn't going to split the pie any time soon while they can make money off Doctor who, after all remember that at the time the 8th doctor novels were being published and Big Finish got the rights to the series, the Bbc didn't particularly give a monkies about what happened to Doctor who anyway.

With the 8th Doctor and charley, the setup is confusing but it makes sense, I recently heard the audios.

When they get to Singapore, the Doctor initially believes that the old lady he meets on the boat in the harbour is an older charley, however she turns out to be the girl who stowed away on the ship back in 1940 who got amnesia from the Cyber controller, and thus has nothing to do with Charley.

Charley believes she sees the Cybermen shoot down the Doctor, but as his travels with Lucy Miller (and later Molly O'), happen after this we knows he doesn't die. Charley however is stranded in sullivanthe far future and is picked up by the sixth Doctor. Charley is then infected with a virus that the Tardis didn't protect her from which allows Mila to take over Charley's boddy when they land on Amethist station. Mila was a prisoner who the Daleks experimented on, testing various viruses and energies who fled to the tardis during the time of the doctor's first encarnation but due to what the Daleks had done remained insubstantial until she could infect another person with the virus and steal their body. The Tardis didn't protect Charley with it's usual temporal grace because Charley was an anomaly in time.
Mila then travels with the 6t h Doctor disguised as Charley while Charley leaves with the Viyrans. When they meet again on earth, Charley uses the Viyran mind wipe technology (and the Doctor's concent), to alter the Doctor's memories, both removing the explanation she gave the Doctor about meeting his 8th encarnation, and changing the appearence of the girl the Doctor met in the future to Mila's original one. I'd thus guess myself that after the 8th Doctor twigs that Charley has left him in the far future, he remembers who Mila was (or at least has an idea), and doesn't attempt to find Charley again sinse he knows it would mess up his sixth self's travels with her. I will confess this wasn't my favourite resolution to the paradox of Charley, sinse amnesia always feels a bit cheap as a plot device sinse it's a little too convenient to sweep everything under the rug, though at least it's very well established that a major part of how the Viyrans operate is removing all memory of themselves from anyone they encounter. Still, it's well played on all sides, and it does lead to the Charlotte pollard series, and season 1 of that was mostly pretty good, so I'm willing to let it pass, hay it's comparatively tame in terms of the moffat's instant "oooh look, this person is really someone else's grandfather's past self and the world was destroyed, although it wasn't" type of shenanigans, sinse hay at least it does have affects on what's going on especially with the Viyrans an the Doctor and also the Daleks plague orientated plans, plus it is played out over about 14 hours of story, not all crammed into a slap dash 45 minutes.

it is conceivable the 8th Doctor might run into a future version of charley after! she finished her travels with the sixth doctor, though we'll have to see.

With the Viyrans, sinse they're now the main enemies of the Charlotte Pollard series, I think we'll ge t more information about who and what exactly they are and who set them on their mission to wipe out viruses there.
I'd too like to see the Dalek time controller back, but we'll just have to wait on that one.

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