Re: A really good Dr. who related Youtube series

That reminds me.
If the seventh and eighth Doctor books are not in the same continuity than most of the Big Finish Audios, how and when did Romana II leave E-Space?
I mean, there was a seventh Doctor book where Berniece Summerfield and the seventh Doctor came back to the planet in E-Space where the fourth Doctor destroyed that master Vampire.
The book was a Sequel to that Story.
And since we are talking about it, how can from a Story Point of view Big finish use Bernice if the travels with the seventh doctor never happened in Audio verse?

About the new Who:
That is why I wondered why the Doctor was so sure that he was the only time Lord left (before he met the master).
And even if the time war was time locked, previous visits of other time Lords should not be erased.
If for example the current doctor traveled to a planet where he was never before and met a previous incarnation of the master there, this would still have to happen.
I mea n, the Moment did not erase everything which was already part of the web of time.
And even if that is ignored, I can't think that all time Lords where on Gallifrey when the Moment might have been used to destroy Gallifrey.
Then the Doctor would have been not truly the last time Lord.
You could have other time Lords leaving the Primary universe before the destruction, you theoretically had E-Space to hide, or you could have done what the Master did, turning himself into something not time Lord and running to the end of the universe.
And regardless of how it would have been actor whise, I really can't think that the ethernals and the Guardians would allow that the war totally destroyed the universe.
And when the tenth Doctor and Rassilon had their finale, there should have been other powers like the Guardians ready to stop the time Lords returning, except the Events of "End of Time" were a fixed Point in time.

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